Monday, January 6, 2014

Letter #33 - "Still not sure how we got the chicken coop in the truck!!" - La Blanca, Guatemala

well it has been another HOT week here in la blanca.  each week it honestly gets hotter and will continue doing so until probably march or april..... but yeah that is the way it is....

so this week was new years eve that made it at least a little bit hard to work on new years eve and new years day because the majority of people went to the beach to celebrate the new year.  besides that the only thing that guatemalans really do to celebrate new years is lite off fireworks at midnight and eat tamales! 

it has been a very normal week, we have been working hard but we have had a couple big setbacks with a couple of families we have been teaching.... it has been difficult but all we can do is just keep working and doing our best and i know that we will see many miracles and will have success.  i would like to just share a couple of things that were highlights of the week.  

one night we went on divisions with 2 members of the branch.  i went with the branch president and we went and visited a less active family and someone that the missionaries had been teaching a long time ago.  the lessons were great and the spirit was strong.  then after we finished the night we went to go get some food.  we were eating hot dogs in the street and some guy bought our food for us. it was an act of love so small but really it was a great blessing for us and it reminded me that God is always blessing me and watching over me.  the other highlight of the week was last night.  we went to help the lady who makes us lunch move.  she is staying here in la blanca but is going to live in another house.  so we were there helping her move all her stuff and it was quite entertaining moving the random assortment of things. most random of all was the chicken coup which im still not sure how we got it the truck hahah

well that was about all this week for me, changes are wednesday and i will know tonight if i or my comp has changes.  well i hope you all have a wonderful week


elder meyer