well this was a great week!
since i got here we have been working with a man named hugo. he is a great guy and has made many changes in his life and loves everything about the church. for a long time he has had the desire to get baptized, but his problem was that he didnt want to get married. his wife was a less active member that returned to the church with him. so for months we have been fighting and fighting and praying and praying for him to finally say yes to getting married. then on tuesday we got a call from a member of the ward that has been helping us teach him and he said, elders hugo says he is going to get married and baptized this saturday, hurry up and get everything ready! so we did haha! two days ago hugo got married and baptized. yesterday he was confirmed, recieved the preisthood, received a calling and then left to visit less active youth (he was called to work with the young men). so yeah that was super cool. to me it is a grand testimony that prayers are answered and that what it says in alma 13:24 is true:
For behold, angels are declaring it unto many at this time in our land; and this is for the purpose of preparing the hearts of the children of men to receive his word at the time of his coming in his glory.
so yeah that is about it. it was a great week, things are looking good and im excited to keep working here.
answers to moms questions:
yeah there are a bunch of fruits that grow here that i have never ever seen before. i have tried a few of them but even though a lot of fruits grow here people dont eat them that much and they dont give them to us that often... we usually eat meat once a day, just for lunch and it is usually chicken. this week i only exercised twice; i am trying to get better but this week was really hard because we were running around a lot for the baptism and wedding. we are working with david - he is cool and says he wants to learn more before getting baptized but he isnt doing want he needs to do to learn. we are working with a lady named elbira who is cool but for some weird reason hasnt come to church yet.... besides that we are planning on working with a lot of the family of hugo and his wife. i really love mole and the bread here. my pedometer broke so i have no idea how far we walk. i always study in spanish. that family has been helped a lot here. there really isnt public school so they used a lot of the money to finish pay off the schooling for the year for their kids, which is really good because if they didnt pay their kids wouldnt be able to study next year. we get 2200 quetzales every month, if you are very careful it is enough, but to be honest i think they should give us a little bit more. yeah im still with godinez- im glad because i think we can see a lot of success, I am just a little bummed because i feel like i have been here forever.
thanks so much for the email and the song. sounds like life is good. i hope you have a wonderful week
elder meyer
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