Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Letter #59 - "So there was a big earthquake..." - San Isidro, Guatemala

hello again,
so i guess some of you heard about the big earthquake.... dont worry we are all ok but wow that was crazy!  haha at about 5:30 this morning everything started shaking.  at first i didnt think much of it but then it started shaking more than the other 2 or 3 times that i have felt earthquakes here.  so i got out of bed and ran outside and then like 45 seconds later everything stopped.  the center of the earthquake is in Mexico but only like 20 or 30 minutes from us so we felt it pretty strong, but dont worry everything is ok.  so yeah that was exiciting, besides the earthquake this morning we had a good week.  the biggest news is that on saturday yelmer was baptized.  so i guess ill tell you all his story.  a little over 2months ago osman and siria (his parents) were baptized, but none of their children were willing to listen to the missionaries or go to church.  when i arrived in san isidro i really wanted to work with this family and help the kids get baptized.  for a while i felt like the work was in vain because none of the kids would listen to us.  then a few weeks ago we were walking in the street and i saw yelmer, son of osman and siria, and i started talking to him.  i asked him when he was going to go to church with us and he said, sunday.  and then he was there on sunday!! after that we started working with him a lot and almost had him baptized a few weeks ago but then he told us he didnt feel like he was ready and that he needed to learn more before being baptized.  we kept visiting him and then a week ago we shared with him a great story in acts 8.  after reading the story we challenged him for baptism and he said yes.  later the missionary who did the baptismal interview told me that yelmer told him that he said yes because he felt the spirit as we read the scriptures together.  so moral of the story is that behind the scriptures there is a lot of power.  also that prayers are answered. osman and siria were so happy that finally their prayers were in part answered as now one of their four kids have been batpized.  so yeah that is what i learned this week.  it was a great week and we are looking to have a wonderful month. 
answers to mom's questions:
i love my new comp - he has to be one of my favoite companions that i have had in my whole mission.  being a trainer is way fun especially because godinez wants to learn and wants to work.  godinez is 19 lives 1 hour outside of the capital of honduras and all of his family are members.  i have emailed galvez a couple of times and everything with him is good. he is loving the world cup and just waiting for his brother to get home from his mission.  update on investigators:  mario needs to come to church one more time.  idania is super cool and will be baptized soon.  zoyli is also coming along,  she will follow idania.  we also have a girl who lived in the states with her family for about their whole life and just recently came to guatemala come to church with us.  so if everything goes well all of those people should be baptized this month.    at church the only job i have right now is to play the piano.  in our house we have a fridge, a stove and a blender.  that is it....  i want the netherlands to win the world cup.  favorite study things from the week is that of aplying the scripotures.  in my reading of the book of mormon i started the war chapters and i have decided to find something from every chapter that i could use with an investigator, and that has been way cool. 
i cannot belive that aaron jensen is home!  tell him i say hi.  as far what i have thought for when i get home i was thinking about being an efy counselor, i think that would be like the greatest thing ever.  i know they dont make great money.  but free food, houseing, feeling the spirit all summer long, and have the oppportunity to impact the lives of a bunch of youth i think that would be amamzing.  that and still have a few weeks to travel with you guys (remember you  owe me not one but TWO BIG TRIPS!!!) i think chase is just gonna go to summer term but im not sure....

i love that quote from pres uchtdorf, i read that talk this week and i love it!!
i hope all is well back home and that you have a great week


elder meyer

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